/ Asia 2016


Unfortunately, not all parts of Hong Kong are serviced by trains, so instead of getting onto the second story of tram, we got onto the second story of a bus. The seats are at least padded, but they have other draw backs. For starters, it moves like a bus, which I survived by closing my eyes but someone a few seats in front of us had to survive it by colouring the inside of a plastic bag. And the roof on the second floor is actually low enough that I can touch it with my head. Very awkward when you’re on a packed bus and are standing, as several people around me felt the need to point out (though none did it directly to me).

We went onto the Jumbo Floating Restaurant, though the floating point seems to be a little questionable considering that the thing doesn’t move at all on the water but rather seems very rigidly fixed. It is however surrounded on all sides by sky scrapers, which means that building in the harbour and on the water was probably the cheapest option for such a restaurant capable of serving 2.5 thousand people. Depending on which menu you looked at, you could also easily spend 2.5 thousand dollars on a few of the dishes. Luckily, there was also one for sane people.

But talking about motion sickness inducing busses, Hong Kong has a huge theme park. I’m used to having cable cars to get to the top of a mountain, not to the next section of the theme park. It being a Monday, the queues don’t seem to have been anywhere near as long as they seemed to be prepared for, but sadly it also wasn’t like we could just walk into anything. Alone the cable car took half an hour, and a lot of self-control as the Chinese don’t appear to have worked out what a queue is, and how it works. There was however a roller coaster that even I made it on, without having to be carried out afterwards.

And we luckily appear to have had some clear skies again for out venture up Victoria Peak, from which you seemed to be able to see most of Hong Kong. And the place certainly does have a skyline worthy of such a view.

Tomorrow, however, we already have to waive goodbye to the place from our spot on the ferry, and onto our next adventure. Vegas!