Close call past Tokyo
After a lot of grumbling and discussions about whether this flight is too early or actually too late, we could all agree on the fact that it was at the wrong time, once we finally started waiting for the bus. The advantage, I had my fastest entrance into Sydney Airport to date. 10 minute bus, only 5 people before us in the check-in queue, security had no queues, and customs was all automated. It all seemed too easy.
I guess we must have been doing something correctly though when we got on the plane and departed. The information about the seating arrangement turned out to be wrong (3 on the left, 4 in the centre, 2 on the right, which actually turned out to be a standard 3-3-3 pattern), the information on having on board WiFi was at least accurate. It even worked ... occasionally.
What really got to my travel companion was the fact that we were greeted no less than 4 times by various parts of the crew of our JAL flight. Which was then well and truly topped by the ground crew waving to us after push-back. Ah the nostalgic memories just kept on coming all the way till we got to Narita, amd sadly had to immediately board the next flight heading away from Japan again.
Things got a bit more excitingn once we finally also survived the flight to our final destination. Long queues, confusions of baggae carsouselles, and immediately a hawker trying to stop me from just taking the train. The apartment owner left us quite detailed instructions on how to find the place. Which promptly fell through once the key wasn't where it was supposed to be. Some black magic later, and we found the key inside the (very adorable for four people) apartment.
We are all dead tired, and tomorrows plans are unsure with the exception of one thing: "We're finally travelling again!"