/ Europe 2016

Croatia, now with light

I kept on expecting to be woken up by the city noise, people shuffling past, odd person complaining loudly about getting their head detached. After an abundant lack of any of this, by 11 I actually had to check if the city was even still there. Conveniently, yes.

And yes, the city also existed with daylight. In fact, I think they may have over-compensated a little bit, considering that even with sunnies, it was painfully bright. But I guess this did serve the purpose of making the sea that extra little bit more shiny (if viewed from a safe shaded location).

One of the first things you notice when walking through old town, is that the stone of which the streets are made of, have been worn completely smooth, making them almost dangerously slippery. We're still working on evening out the occasional 1cm bump, but we're making good progress. But along with this old stone floor, you can find a whole bunch of random architectural styles throughout the city. The big tourist square even goes so far as to combine them along the same wall, each trying to cover up the other. And this kind of stuff, while hard to describe, gives the city an interesting look.

In terms of smell, the city seems fairly clean, except that the place starts to smell of egg towards the evening...

Majority of today was relaxation though, bouncing between shadows and seemingly still getting our strengths up (my travel companion seems to still be fighting the same cold that we got on the flight to Europe). And we even got really lemonade! (boy is that refreshingly sour without sugar)

Tomorrow evening we gain mobility with four wheels, but are staying in Split as our Base of Sleeping.