/ China

Differences between Nations Revealed

Woke up this morning to find myself bitten, twice. Even as I'm writing this entry, it itches like mad but it also doesn't look like your normal mosquito bite. What weird insects does this country have?

We took another look at the huge library building which dominates the scenery as you enter through the main gate of the campus. After some sweet talking us through the main entrance, we found the 'books written in western languages' section on the sixth floor, and a computer science library that might put the library of my own university to shame. I wonder what their native language computer science library looks like.
However, in true Chinese spirit, we did find a few books in there which were reprints ...

We also finally got to give our presentation, including a live video feed to australia to bring even more people in the presentation. After all of our worries about whether the Chinese internet would be able to deal with a sustained connection without breaking every now and then, it was actually the Australian side which broke. I guess something always has to go wrong on the day ...
But while the presentation may not have been able to wake the dead, that is Chinese first year students listening to an English presentation, we do still regard the presentation as having been reasonably successful.

Staying in one location is rather strange. You know you can't really make yourself at home here as you are going to be here for less than two weeks, but on the other hand that's starting to feel not quite that short either. And responsibility which we have everyday, dividing our day, it's also hard to really get into the holiday mood. We just seem to be sitting in the middle of it and learning about China from a perspective not offered to most tourists.