Fancy Planes
Well, it is time to go travelling again. And we probably have one of the longest journey's of non-stop travelling ahead of us to date. If you don't count the three nano-seconds of sleep that happened on this plane, this was basically 40 hours of non-stop commuting. The car part of this trip was 10 minutes.
We got to ride on an A380 again, which was a plane that I was previously fairly unphased by. There were a few points of interest though this time:
- The wings are big. Like really big. You wouldn't believe how mind bogglingly big the wings are. The net result of which being that if you have a view of the wing, you don't have a view of anything else.
- For both the A380s on this stretch, this was the quietest plane I have ever sat on. During take off, I kept on waiting for the other shoe to drop, the pilot to hit the gas, and for the engines to start properly roaring. And … well … it never happened.
- The thing is a behemoth. We had plenty of people boarding. And then we still got an empty seat next to us on one of the stretches. As a result, it also doesn't really kick during take off. It takes more of a stroll into being airborne.
- Even with all of the above points, the things still feels like a boat while airborne ... I hate flying.
All of the planes were concluding by our last international jump happening by train, which I still insist is the only method of public transport that should be used for anything. Once they got their global network of high speed levitating trains, planes be damned. Though at least the planes had one thing. They were on time.
I remember writing a pretty conclusive article the last time I used Deutsche Bahn, about getting delayed, missing trains, breaking down, all in one trip. In this case, the wrapped it all into one train. It started off well, smashing to the first stop at 300km/h. It then broke down for 45 minutes before taking a rather leisurely stroll to our destination.
I seem to have survived the time shift without too many issues. The bigger issues come from the fact that it's past 10pm, and there's still light outside. Which is awesome, and unexpected given the winter I just came out of. Which brings us to the other point, it's summer here!