In hot and cold water
For the majority of the day it was bucketting and cold winds were in no short supply. So we set ourselves underway to find us some hot water instead, and found a Japanese bath. In favour of keeping the blog PG rated, the camera had to stay home and hence the pictures for today are in rather short supply.
The bath we went to was nice though. After changing into a Yakuta, you are greeted by a small shopping mall worth of sweets and normal food stalls. Fighting your way through that, the baths are a range of pools that alternate between 20 and 40 degrees, some of the hot ones also being outside in the rain. For those of my readers who know how much I love winter, it will surprise you to know that after sitting in the hot bath long enough, wet me survived three whole minutes outside in the rain before diving back into warmth (and yes, I timed).
They also had a corner described as a foot bath. On the way you also received a jacket and an umbrella as it was outdoor. It also should have been described as an obstacle course, considering that it was a short track over varyingly pointy stones. They didn't really lie with the name as most of it was submerged under warm water, but it just wasn't accurate either.
Once warm enough, we headed to an indoor gaming arcade. With an actual roller coaster, as well as multiple virtual ones. But nothing seemed to be allowed in that arcade without being capable of barrel rolls. Compared to them, the shooting games look like absolute toys. A pity really.