/ Asia 2016

Kyoto (京都市)

Lesson learnt today, not setting an alarm of any kind also means that there is no effort spent on trying to get up. So today started a little late. Whoops.

Going up the Kyoto tower, it’s a very refreshing change from the sad visibility we got in Korea, to enjoy the view over the city. What surprised us the most was when we noticed the sky scrapers in the distance that seemed to be from Osaka, which is over 40km away. Even by Australian standards, that’s not bad.

By the time we started exploring some of the temple regions, night was starting to fall. At which point I was surprised by the number of tourists that we still seemed to be coming across on the way up the hill to the temple. Then by the number of tourist groups (conveniently marked by some fluffy animal on a stick). And then that the temple was in fact till very much open, with no sign of any of it slowing down. If this is what this is like in the winter, I wonder how much of a trap this place is during the summer.

After yesterday’s adventure through the restaurants on the 10th floor, today we had to try the Ramen street on the 9th floor. Yes, that said street. And yes, that’s inside of a train station. Which also has a garden on the 15th floor. Japan is weird.

Our list of things we want to do seems to far exceed the amount of time that we have left in this region of Japan. So tomorrow should be exciting. And yes, I’m already setting my alarm.