Plastic Fish

It's so demotivational to start heading back before the sun has well and truly set several hours ago. Especially given that we are still used to the sun setting at the time that people would start leaving work. So you get back a bit late, and then you cool down a bit, relax, take a shower, write some blog, look at some pictures, plan a little for tomorrow, and realise that it's 3 in the morning and that you should have been asleep hours ago. Let's see whether we can go to bed at a slightly more sane time today.

Barcelona has one of Europe's biggest aquarium. My travel companion likes fish. So to the aquarium we went. They have a decent length tunnel with a massive aquarium in the middle of the centre, but I was a little surprised by how quickly it seemed to be over. The penguins seemed to live in a corner, and most of the jellyfish seemed to be out of plastic …

They did however have a rockfish which we saw swim. I'm used to this thing pretending to be a rock under water, ready to poison and kill you if you step on it, but as it turns out, this thing actually looks like a fish when it swims. There were however some other fish which were practicing their camouflaging tricks that made them rather hard to spot.

But we also went into Gaudi's biggest construction site. The thing is still going, and therefore is a weird combination of modern and old materials. The front looks several centuries older than it actually is, yet some of the towers behind it look quite young and the elevator looks like it was put in last week. The real party trick seems to be the colour coordinated stained glass that makes various parts of the cathedral glow in different colours.

Tomorrow we will try to find some more of the famous architecture of Gaudi that made this place so famous. Maybe we also have to go past Park Güell again as, while the park was nice, we seem to have missed any hint of what you get on Google Images if you search for it.