Today, I learnt an important lesson that has gotten me into big trouble many times in the past. What is a Pony and what is a Horse? The answer: a Pony is under 1.5m, everything else is a horse. This definition does not agree with any previously definition that I was completely incapable of understanding, but maybe that's also the reason that I like this particular definition.
After having made this earth shattering discovery, I then also got to discover what it's like to ride on a horse. Answer: bouncy, and presumable easier when the previous rider had longer legs and didn't adjust the leg holders so much. But after a while, you get into a rhythm that stop suggesting that you're about to be sea sick.
To compensate for the bouncy horse, we jumped into a bouncy Smart. People keep on describing these things as a Go-Kart to me. And you know what? They are absolutely correct.
Once this breakfast show was over, we had made big plans to visit an elevator showcase, basically used as a research project about different elevator technologies and possibilities, and with a observation platform at the top. And once everyone had their shoes on, we luckily checked to see if it was open. Or if they had finished building it...
So then we went village hunting instead. Found a slightly bigger village, and got to explore funny side streets, adorable castle, a little river, and lots of crooked roofs. The crooked roofs are excusable, but only because they hadn't found Australia yet, and found out there how to build a roof.
Tomorrow starts the true holiday part of this trip, with Croatia. Summer, warmth, ocean, unknown world, here we come.