Record Highs

I know that we are coming from winter, but the Netherlands appears to be compensate. They appear to be having the hottest summer in recorded history (according to the complaining locals), and since Air Conditioning is usually something that you would only need for two weeks of the year, nobody has it. This is something that the locals are trying to fix, but since they are all trying to fix it at the same time, the waiting list has reached well beyond the point where you could make use ot if.

There were however places that did already have Air Conditioning. One was the supermarket, a place with very limited entertainment value. And the other was the car of our tour guides, which gave us opportunity to get a primarily driving tour of the place. Since we don't have a lot of time here, this worked out in our advantage. At least, in terms of seeing some of the more quirky landmarks around.

One of the landmarks for which we did get out are some of the old windmills which were responsible for creating part of the land upon which the Netherlands are based, and allowing it to exist below sea level. Two questions arose though:

  1. Why is the windmill turning when it has no sail?
  2. Given the size of the bed which was on display, did people really used to be that tiny?

In retaliation for the warmth, there were some brief thunderstorms that will hopefully allow some slightly better sleep. But did I mention that this place has cats?!