Semaphore Beach
As a computer scientist, I of course tried to look hard for some kind of interface to the semaphore but all I found was a full glorious beach. And while it was slightly cloudy today, the temperature didn't seem to have taken note and became even hotter. The vague amount of evaporative cooling at the beach was rather welcome. And the seagulls were on our side when we were eating. I have memories on Bondi Beach, where the gulls have no shame and swoop over your shoulder from behind you and try to grab the food just before it's reached your mouth. This time, we had one gull getting very pissed at any other gulls trying to get close to us, and made sure he'd get all the food. The fact that we didn't hand out any food didn't help him, but only having to defend against one sea gull certainly helped us.
While getting the food at a fish and chips place, I paid in cash, using a note that was promptly forcefully ripped by the sales assistant. I guess that's one way to check the bill? But somehow I think that a lot of clever thought has gone into less destructive ways to ensure this. Oh, and remember how I mentioned yesterday that I've ridden twice with the cops on the train. Well, make that three times. This town really is the definition of encouraging.
Talking about yesterday's entry, I posted a picture of a stage being set up. Today, this stage was being used for the One Electric Day Festival, which you could pay entry for if you were stupid, or you could sit on one of the lawn areas they didn't reach with their fence, and still continue to enjoy blaring music. The first band we heard sounded a lot more like traditional rock than electric music (couldn't hear a single synthesiser). We walked past about an hour later, and my friend commented that the music sounded like from the 80's. A few more minutes of listening and I actually started to recognise the music as genuine pieces from the 80's (though couldn't remember what the song actually was), which made us slightly more confused. Still not really what I would call electric .. just weird.
Whilst walking, my friend suddenly decided to compare me with GLaDOS. A few minutes later her opinion changed to the Narrator from the Stanley Parable. I'm not too sure what I approve more of. Being compared to a murderous robot that tries to make you test till you die. Or a disembodied voice that decides that your life must follow a very specific script.
My day ended a little sooner today as I have to prepare and recover a little before the long long journey home tomorrow. It may have been short, but it was worthwhile to see another city.