/ Australian Coast

Sunrises and Crabs

There was significant debate whether we should get up at 5 in the morning to be able to watch the sunrise over the beach. The biggest hurdle when we were trying to decide this at midnight was my description of grumpy me and what he threw at people trying to wake him up at 5 in the morning. At 8 in the morning, it turned out I wasn't the only one who threw things at people with alarms.

After last night wonderful McDinner, we decided to go with the healthy option of getting Fish and Chips. This all arrived as to be expected of such a fine British meal (ignoring the lack of newspaper wrappings), but what we didn't expect was the coffee that was served with a slice of dried orange, covered in chocolate. Dropping it into the coffee seemed to have produced a favorable change, but we never did get the courage to ask what we were actually supposed to do with it.

After finding a dirt road and giving our car whitewall tires, we found what must have been the biggest beach I've been to. Even the walk from the beginning of the sand to the actual water seemed like a hike not to be done without supplies. And we didn't even dare to attempt trying to get from one end to the other considering we weren't too sure whether we could even see that far on this bright, sunny, and clear day. The beach was definitely alive though. If you looked carefully, the beach was absolutely covered by camouflaged insects. Due to their camouflage you couldn't really see what they actually were, or how big their teeth are, but it made you a little nervous even standing there.

One thing which wasn't camouflaged for the sand though were crabs, of which we found what looked like a nest. Coming from China, my travel companions grabbed their pitchforks and conveniently lying around sticks to go hunting with taunts like "I want it in my stomach". I've been offered to eat a crab when it was dead, and my stomach didn't exactly fill itself with butterflies by looking at the live ones. So a conveniently far away rock proved to be a great spot for reading.

It is a long weekend here, but the travels were only for the weekend. I guess we still need a day of hardcore relaxation/panicking and studying.