/ Transit

The Long Road/Ocean Back

Today was for the race back to the ferry. We didn't spend as much time as we would have wanted on the last remaining sights on our way, but we also wanted to slowly get back to civilisation. And Tasmania didn't quite seem to be it. That's of course nothing bad though. They still have ludicrous amounts of rain forests, hills, clean air, and a seemingly more relaxed attitude. The biggest complaint I have about Tasmania is probably that the wet areas are far too good to the insects which then want to eat us alive.

While looking for our cabin inside the ferry we saw a family of two parents and a kid, in front of us. When the parents commented: "We're looking for room 8235", the child immediately stopped at the door they were just walking past, stating: "This is 8235". Obviously knowing their child, the parents didn't even look and stated in an annoyed voice: "No, it's not." and kept walking. As we passed them and looked at the door the child had stopped in front of, we threw a laughing fit as the door indeed had '8235' written on it. Parents are weird …

The best piece of news I heard on the ferry though, was probably the captain stating that he had just received a stormy weather forecast and that they already had 40 knot winds. (Remember, the trick is to sway with the boat. Ugh…) I'll just be happy with my feet firmly back on the ground.