Warmer Coast

It seems too long since I've been on a proper holiday. But all the basics were there and immediately recognisable. When I told one of my travel companions that they were getting picked up at 6:40am, I got a rather loud "What?!"

Before leaving though, at my workplace, I left a sticky note above my desk with "On Holidays. But feel free to send me a message and remind me of this." For me, I think this was the push I needed to make sure that I finally got a clean divide between work and everything else.

But about four hours of driving, and 3 hours of flying, and a bunch of sitting in between, and we've found our next place to hide. Since we've arrived in the evening, we haven't immediately gone out on the town and had a massive adventure, that will be tomorrows problem. With hopefully some sunlight as well (though the forecast isn't looking good …)

Good night! zzz