Journey to Weihai (威海)

For the fact that our plane was late boarding, they didn't waste time trying to get it into the air considering that the pushback started before people were able to sit down.

Flying was 10 hours of uncomfortable sitting, with the worlds fanciest in flight entertainment system, touch screen and all. It would have been even fancier if it wouldn't have crashed after 6 hours. Holding down the power button did reset it, entering an infinte loading screen. But not before revealing its true nature: Android!
Also, the plane may have made up some of the time that it started late if it hadn't flown so many snake lines ...

Getting into China was good though. With our plane having been late, we got 'Transfer Assistance'. Queueing up just outside the plane, and getting arranged into two columns. We were then marched halfway along the perimeter of the terminal, went through one security checkpoint without stopping, then an immigration checkpoint which seems to have been opened just for us (the transfering passengers of our plane), a equally small security checkpoint, and then into a huge hall where we found our gate. All of this easily involved a kilometer of walking.

Next flight was also delayed, but at least had an entertaining quirk before letting us on board. You know how a boarding pass usually has two sections to it? The normal sized part and the little stub you can rip off? Well, they ripped off half the stub when we went through the boarding gate. The other half they ripped off halfway between the gate and the plane, and then I half expected them to rip my boarding pass in half when we got on the plane.

I realise I have used the word "half" a lot at this point, so I need to use some new words. The delay was 30 minutes before we left the gate and another 1800 seconds of standing on the taxi ways. And even this plane only got us to Yantai, where we were picked up and driven to Weihai.

By the time we arrived, our internal clocks said about 4 in the morning, and we were correspondingly tired.